Real virtual art
I have recently had a conversation about my work being both computational and digital, and how difficult it is to sell virtual work. The main thrust being that computational and digital work is difficult to sell because it’s not real somehow. I printed out that … Continue readingReal virtual art
Hear me talk at the Royal society of arts, in london
I’m proud to be talking about my work, illness, technology and skills at the RSA in London on 6th September at 12. You can book a ticket at the links below and you don’t have to be an RSA fellow to come. https://www.thersa.org/events/fellowship-events/rsa-friday-conversations
Haunted SElfie video review
A 9 minute review of my recent show. Please watch.
Haunted SELFIes Exhibition 8th – 19th May
The exhibition opens May 8th – private view is May 11th at 5pm – ask for an invite via info@richardfadams.com; Robert Phillips Gallery, Riverhouse Barn, Manor Rd, Walton-on-Thames KT12 2PF Below is the catalogue, price list, artist’s statement and biography. In PDF format. Please download.
Haunted selfies…the anti-selfie
Instagram rots the soul –artist mocks the impermanence of screen selfies Richard Adams — not that one — an artist who is not a digital native has mocked the obsession with getting digital perfection and mock emotional support ‘Likes’ from Facebook-owned Instagram. Richard has created … Continue readingHaunted selfies…the anti-selfie
Haunted Selfies Exhibition
Wednesday 8th May to Sunday 19th May. The Robert Phillips Gallery, Riverhouse Barn, Walton on Thames. Supported by the RC Sherriff Trust. Private View Saturday 11th May, 5pm – 7pm. Contact info@richardfadams.com for invitation. Richard’s Haunted Selfie work explores four things. Channelling and managing extreme … Continue readingHaunted Selfies Exhibition
New Album 4th December
I have my next album out on all streaming services, released on the 4th December it’s called Central Line. Search for Richard F Adams.
Romanticism and Selfie culture
A lot of writing has been done on how narcissistic selfie culture is and indeed it’s a valid interpretation. The notion that someone feels their life is of interest to others does display a degree of narcissism. My take on selfies and selfie culture is … Continue readingRomanticism and Selfie culture
Haunted selfies; the digital Dorian Gray – works for sale
I was recently thinking about how oncoming death affects artists and their creativity and I remarked how struck I was by the sadness in late Rembrandt self portraits and how they reflect my own current state of mind. A long chain of associative thinking got … Continue readingHaunted selfies; the digital Dorian Gray – works for sale